Spirit In A Crisis

Yesterday my lovely Husband told me that there was a thing going around Facebook and social media, that everyone should come outside their front door at 8pm and applaud in honour of our amazing National Health Service.  I texted my friend next door and she said she had heard about it and suggested we do it, even if we are the only ones (we live on a fairly quiet estate).  So at 8pm we poked our noses out of the garage, along with the next door neighbours and started clapping.  I looked down the street only to see everyone (except Vile Vera of course, reference earlier blogs if you want to know about her!), there were neighbours at the top of their driveways clapping their hearts out, some some in windows, people waving to each other, when I slowed clapping for a minute I realised there was clapping coming from everywhere, all the surrounding streets, it was the most amazing feeling.  The community spirit and support not only for our Health workers, but each other as friends and neighbours was fantastic.  I felt overcome all evening, I’ve never been part of something like that, I can’t describe how good it made us feel.  Apparently it will be happening every Thursday at 8pm, I will definitely be out there clapping my heart out.  I know this is happening in other European countries, so well done to you all far and wide, we will beat this Coronavirus, and Thank you to all health workers of every kind, in every country, all over the world, God bless you all.

BBC World Service - The Why Factor, Clapping

34 thoughts on “Spirit In A Crisis

  1. I have heard about this, but not seen it here. New stats from Italy that 10% of all COVID patients there are health care workers, and 17 talented doctors have died……they are indeed risking their lives for us.

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  2. Hi there my friend, so good to bump into each other again. Though it’s sad that we reunite in such troubling times.
    Hope you and yours are holding up ok. I love what you wrote about here, very compassionate.
    Sending love ❤️

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  3. We live in a rural village, up a lane with only four houses. I clapped alone and hoped it would be carried in the ether to where it was needed. I clapped for all the front liners the NHS workers, the teachers the delivery drivers and postmen, I clapped for the cleaners the carers and the pharmacist the Ambulance drivers the police. My face wet my heart full … I was not alone.

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  4. Here in India we had a similar gesture, to cheer for our health workers, who have been risking our lives for our sake, so that we can be safe. Yet there were critics that our health workers need protection and not appreciation. Well, one cannot do away with critics but in the time of a pandemic of this scale, solidarity works wonders. I wish everybody were more appreciative of this.

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  5. I agree we need to show our appreciation to all that are working, so we can stay quarantined.
    I picked up a script at the drive-thru and the young lady helping me looked very tired. I asked how she was holding up and said barely. I told her that I prayed for and all her co-workers every day. She stood there and cried. So, there are the obvious heroes (docs, nurses, first responders.). But there are the not so obvious heroes like pharmacy workers, grocery workers, and many I have not mentioned.

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